Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to Rhapsody in Food!

We all need New Year’s Resolutions, so this is mine: finally start that food blog I’ve been talking about forever so I can start sharing my favorite recipes and experiences with friends and family.

Rhapsody in Food is a name I settled on some time ago while trying to find a way to combine my love of all things related to cooking and eating with a lifelong passion for music. I’ve always been drawn to the word rhapsody because while I associate it with music, it has a much wider scope—a miscellaneous collection of thoughts, free in structure, emotional in character, an enthusiastic expression of feeling. Doesn’t that seem appropriate for a blog? Well, I think so at least.

I probably shouldn’t be starting a blog just as I’m beginning the busiest time of year at my job (we don’t call it busy season for nothing)—but it’s New Year’s, and I’m afraid if I don’t start now, I’ll still be here next January 1st wishing I had done more of the things I set out to do instead of just thinking about them. I’ve already got a list of potential recipes to share and a few posts almost ready to go.

Over the past few years I’ve followed many different blogs, most of which are filled with perfectly styled and photographed meals or outfits or adventures, the kind that you love but also feel a teeny bit jealous of, envious of that blogger’s seemingly perfect life. I can’t make any promises here: I don’t have a fancy camera and sometimes I get so into cooking that I forget to stop and snap a picture as I’m going or get hungry and eat everything before carefully arranging it on a cute plate. Well, my life doesn’t look like it belongs like Pinterest. But what I do have is a passion for food, whether its trying new recipes, visiting the local famer’s market, or eating at a great new restaurant, that I hope I can share with someone out there who might enjoy my recipes and experiences, and maybe even some of my favorite music too.

So with that—Welcome to Rhapsody in Food! Here’s to making 2013 a year to remember!